
last updated 2024-04-08

The last time I experienced a major solar eclipse Alej, Q and I traveled down to Nashville to experience totality. It really was something. I remember first darkness, then cicadas and bats coming to life, then humans all around us hollering and applauding.

August 2017 in Nashville, TN moments before totality. Moments before werewolf transformation.
August 2017 in Nashville, TN moments before totality. Moments before werewolf transformation.

For a brief moment, everything changed and all life was connected to two distant, coincident bodies.

This year we did not travel to totality. On the tail end of a weeks-long illness, the 9X% eclipse Boston was getting was good enough, fine really! Toddler and pup in tow, we went on a many mile stroll during the witching hour. I brought a plastic container a plant came in, with holes perfect for eclipse projection. While the sense of all-living-being-unity was not acute and profound as it was in August of 2017, we did have some nice interactions with the swarms of people out and about.

The catastrophic and the celestial - the duo able to shake humanity awake for just long enough to stop for a moment and look around (or up).

Compiled 2025-02-15